• sustainability e-commerce world
    E-Commerce,  Web Marketing

    Sustainability and e-commerce world for environmental future

    E-commerce, sustainability and environment In recent years, more and more consumers have entered the green world. These are mainly young people whose ecological awareness is based on an interconnection between human beings and the environment. Sustainability and the e-commerce world are not just topics for debates on the environmental future. Companies, and at the same time e-commerce, are responding positively to the new market demand, implementing policies to sell more sustainable products and use recyclable materials. But are Companies really ready? From the latest Casaleggio Associati’s report 2021, it appears that researches related to the term “sustainability” has increased by 70%. Almost half of Italians who shop online say they…

  • the importance of sustainability- e-commerce world-environment-fashion
    Digital Experience,  E-Commerce,  Web Marketing

    The importance of sustainability in the e-commerce world

    Sustainability, e-commerce and environment In the past year it has become clear the importance of sustainability in the e-commerce world. Consumers are increasingly aware of how much personal behaviors and business decisions can impact the environment, and demand for an eco-friendly market. To satisfy the clients’ needs, and to answer the ONU call, companies are striving to create a green economy. While researches about sustainability have gone up by 70%, 43% express the people’s fear that e-commerce growth could harm the environment: the industries’ involvement was inevitable. More than 63% of consumers prefer to buy from businesses which share data about their environmental impact. Moreover, 76% of people expect the…